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2DOF Robotics Arm with ABS Circular Base Kit & All Components (Unassembled)

(0 Reviews)
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Category: Robotics

SKU: 1098

MRP Price:
₹3,299 25% OFF
Discounted Price:
₹2,483 (Incl.GST)

(0 available)

20 G

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Sold By
DSMElectro Solutions Private Limited
(1249 customer reviews)

The 2DOF Robotics Arm with ABS Circular Base Kit & All Components (Unassembled) is a versatile and educational robotics project that allows users to build and control a simple robotic arm. It's designed to introduce users to the principles of robotics and mechanical engineering.

Key Features:

  • 2 Degrees of Freedom (DOF): The arm can move in two directions, allowing for basic manipulation and grasping tasks.
  • ABS Circular Base: Provides a stable and rotatable base for the arm, enabling it to move in different directions.
  • All Components Included: The kit includes all necessary parts to assemble the robotic arm, eliminating the need for additional components.
  • Educational Value: The kit is designed to be educational, teaching users about mechanical principles, robotics concepts, and programming.
  • DIY Assembly: Users can assemble the arm themselves, fostering problem-solving skills and hands-on learning.
  • Customizable: The arm can be customized with additional components or sensors to enhance its capabilities.


Key Specifications:

  • Structural Components: High-quality aluminum alloy brackets and an ABS circular base, providing a sturdy foundation for the arm.
  • Servo Motors: Two MG996R metal gear servo motors known for their high torque, enabling the arm to perform smooth 180-degree horizontal and vertical rotations.
  • Dimensions: The circular base has a diameter of approximately 120 mm.
  • Weight: The assembled arm weighs around 400 grams.
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