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Light Sensitive Photoresistor 5mm LDR Senor

(0 Reviews)
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Category: Sensors

SKU: 2762

MRP Price:
₹20 65% OFF
Discounted Price:
₹7 (Incl.GST)

(353 available)


Total Price:
Bulk Order
Sold By
DSMElectro Solutions Private Limited
(1249 customer reviews)

A light-sensitive photoresistor, also known as a Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR), is an electronic component whose resistance varies depending on the intensity of light it receives. When exposed to light, its resistance decreases, and when placed in darkness, its resistance increases. This property makes it ideal for sensing light levels and controlling electronic devices accordingly.


Automatic lighting control: Turning lights on and off based on ambient light levels.
Nightlights: Activating lights in low-light conditions.
Motion sensors: Detecting movement by sensing changes in light levels.
Smoke detectors: Detecting smoke by sensing changes in light intensity.
Camera exposure control: Adjusting camera settings based on light conditions.
Solar-powered devices: Controlling the operation of devices based on sunlight intensity.
Security systems: Detecting intruders or unauthorized access by monitoring light levels.

Key Features

Variable resistance: Resistance changes in response to light intensity.
High sensitivity: Can detect a wide range of light levels.
Compact size: Easy to integrate into various electronic projects.
Low cost: Relatively inexpensive compared to other light sensors.
Reliability: Durable and long-lasting.
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