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Acrylic Adjustable Camera Module Mount Holder for Raspberry Pi

(0 Reviews)
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Category: Raspberry Pi

SKU: 1658

MRP Price:
₹99 51% OFF
Discounted Price:
₹50 (Incl.GST)

(20 available)

30 g

Total Price:
Bulk Order
Sold By
DSMElectro Solutions Private Limited
(1249 customer reviews)
1) Made up of good quality Acrylic Material.
2) The shiny black color will add an attractive look to your project.
3) Compatible with a wide range of Raspberry Pi Cameras.
4) Comes with a two-piece mount.
The Acrylic Adjustable Camera Mount Module for Raspberry Pi is an adjustable mount setup for the Raspberry Pi camera. These are cut out of the acrylic sheet. Raspberry Pi Camera Module Mount is a great accessory for Pi shutterbugs. The Pi camera can be attached using little screws, also the design allows multiple positions. Ultimately it gives you the amount which aids to fix the camera in the desired position as well as provides protection for the camera board.
Compatible with:
8MP Raspberry Pi Camera
8MP NoIR Raspberry Pi Camera
5MP Raspberry Pi Camera
5MP NoIR Raspberry Pi Camera
Made up of good quality Acrylic Material.
The shiny black color will add an attractive look to your project.
Compatible with a wide range of Raspberry Pi Cameras.
Comes with a two-piece mount.
Package Include:
1  X  Acrylic Adjustable Camera Module Mount Holder for Raspberry Pi
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