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Remote Ultrasonic Ranging car with LCD

(0 Reviews)
Out of Stock

Category: DIY-Robot Kit

SKU: 1556

MRP Price:
₹2,900 15% OFF
Discounted Price:
₹2,454 (Incl.GST)

(0 available)

200 g

Total Price:
Bulk Order
Sold By
DSMElectro Solutions Private Limited
(1249 customer reviews)

The Remote Ultrasonic Ranging Car with LCD is a fascinating DIY project that combines electronics, robotics, and programming. It allows you to create a small, autonomous car that can navigate its surroundings using ultrasonic sensors.

Key Features:

  • Ultrasonic Sensors: Multiple ultrasonic sensors are used to detect objects in the car's path.
  • LCD Display: Provides real-time feedback on the car's distance from obstacles.
  • Remote Control: The car can be controlled remotely using a wireless controller.
  • Autonomous Navigation: The car can be programmed to navigate its environment autonomously, avoiding obstacles and reaching its destination.
  • DIY Project: Requires basic electronics and programming skills to build and customize.


  • Educational Tool: A great way to learn about electronics, robotics, and programming.
  • Hobby Project: A fun and engaging project for hobbyists and enthusiasts.
  • Research and Development: Can be used for research and development in robotics and autonomous systems.


Key Features:

  • Ultrasonic Sensor Integration: The car uses an ultrasonic sensor (e.g., HC-SR04) to measure distances to obstacles, enabling functionalities like obstacle avoidance and distance measurement.

  • LCD Display: A 1602 I2C LCD is incorporated to display real-time data, such as distance readings and operational status, enhancing user interaction and debugging.

  • Remote Control Capability: Many kits offer infrared remote control, allowing users to maneuver the car and activate various functions remotely.

  • Educational Value: These kits are designed to provide hands-on experience with programming, electronics, and mechanical assembly, making them ideal for learning and experimentation.

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