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DIY Fun with Electronics STEAM Learning kit Explore Robotics

(0 Reviews)
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Category: Other Accessories

SKU: 1552

MRP Price:
₹1,699 22% OFF
Discounted Price:
₹1,332 (Incl.GST)

(0 available)

30 g

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Sold By
DSMElectro Solutions Private Limited
(1249 customer reviews)
This is an educational kit designed to introduce children and beginners to the fundamentals of electronics and robotics through hands-on projects. It typically includes a variety of electronic components, a microcontroller (often Arduino-based), sensors, actuators (like motors), and a guide or manual with step-by-step instructions for building different robotic projects. The emphasis is on learning through play and experimentation, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.

Key Features:
  • Hands-on Learning: Encourages active participation and practical application of knowledge.
  • STEAM Education: Integrates science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Designed for individuals with little to no prior electronics or robotics experience.
  • Variety of Components: Includes a range of electronic components, sensors, and actuators for diverse projects.
  • Microcontroller-Based: Often utilizes an Arduino-compatible microcontroller for programming and control.
  • Project-Based Learning: Provides step-by-step instructions for building various robotic projects.   
  • Educational Manual: Includes clear explanations of electronic concepts and programming principles.
  • Safe and Durable Components: Designed for safe use by children and beginners.
  • Coding Introduction: Introduces basic coding concepts through visual programming or text-based coding.
  • Expandable: Many kits are designed to be expandable with additional components and projects.
  • Educational Workshops: Used in schools, after-school programs, and summer camps.
  • Home Learning: Provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn about electronics and robotics.
  • Science Fairs and Projects: Offers a foundation for creating innovative science fair projects.
  • Hobbyist Projects: Serves as a starting point for individuals interested in exploring electronics and robotics.
  • Robotics Clubs: Used as a resource for robotics clubs and maker spaces.
  • Introductory Engineering Courses: Can be used as a tool to familiarize students with basic engineering concepts.


Key Features:

  • Extensive Project Collection: Offers more than 200 projects covering diverse STEM topics, providing hours of educational entertainment.

  • Hands-On Learning: Includes materials and instructions for experiments and activities that promote experiential learning and scientific exploration.

  • Skill Development: Enhances various skills such as creativity, logical thinking, and scientific reasoning through interactive tasks.

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