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Handshaking with Arduino Basic Kit for Arduino Beginners

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Category: Arduino Accessories

SKU: 1548

MRP Price:
₹1,199 21% OFF
Discounted Price:
₹943 (Pc)

(20 available)


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Sold By
DSMElectro Solutions Private Limited
(1249 customer reviews)

The Handshaking with Arduino Basic Kit for Arduino Beginners is a comprehensive package designed to introduce beginners to the concept of handshaking and its applications in Arduino projects. It includes a variety of components and modules that can be used to demonstrate and experiment with handshaking protocols.

Key Features:

  • Arduino Uno: A popular microcontroller board that serves as the core of the kit.
  • Breadboard: A prototyping board for experimenting with circuits and connecting components.
  • Jumper Wires: Colorful wires used to connect components together.
  • Resistors, Capacitors, and LEDs: Basic electronic components for building circuits.
  • Serial Communication Modules: Modules that enable serial communication between devices.
  • Handshaking Components: Components specifically designed for demonstrating handshaking protocols (e.g., RS-232 transceivers, optocouplers).
  • Tutorial Guides: Detailed instructions and examples to help you understand and implement handshaking protocols.


  • Learning Handshaking: Understanding the principles of handshaking and how it is used in communication protocols.
  • Creating Serial Communication Projects: Building projects that involve communication between multiple devices using serial protocols.
  • Interfacing with External Devices: Connecting Arduino to other devices (e.g., computers, sensors) using serial communication.
  • Developing Custom Communication Protocols: Creating custom handshaking protocols for specific applications.


Kit Contents: While the exact components may vary, a typical "Handshaking with Arduino Basic Kit" includes:

  • 1 Arduino Uno board
  • 1 Breadboard (400 tie-points)
  • Assorted Jumper Wires
  • LEDs (Red, Green, Yellow)
  • Resistors (e.g., 220Ω)
  • 1 RGB LED
  • Push Buttons with Caps
  • 1 USB Cable
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